Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Terrific Pins Tuesday!!

So we both realize it has been quite a while since we have posted, but life has been crazy.

Mary spend the Holiday up in TN with her and Darren's families so who has time to commit to the internet when you are doing that?!

I on the other hand, stayed up here in NY where it proceeded to hit 50 a couple times until today's whopping 15 degrees that it is going to stay. That is right, today's high is a grand total of 15 degrees and snowy. I hate snow. Hence the whole we are moving south thing.

But enough about all of that, we will both post about our wonderful holidays later :-)

Today is . . .

I adore this coat. . .
at $220 I will continue to adore it via this picture

Green is my favorite color
This outfit?

 I love this bracelet
I actually have a key chain just like it that I kinda broke the other day
luckily I found the missing piece!
Find it HERE!

This is such a cute idea.
I need some fun cookie cutters and then I can make one out of dough!
Or I could just buy one here

And last but not least
A do-it-yourself
This would be perfect because the one I have is a little too big for my arm.

And on that note I will leave you with this until Mary's pins come up!

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