Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Terrific Pins Tuesday!!

So we really need to post far more than just our pins, the two of us have obviously been serious slackers.

MARY!!! lol

But alas it is once again tuesday, wow this past week flew by, and I am going to give you all some more. . .

So this week has no theme what so ever for me. . . 
I pinned so many exercise/weight motivation things that I had a hard time picking 'real' pins to put up.

So I will start with crafty stuff

I love this quote
and what better way to see it than as a valentines decoration!?

This I found and thought was really neat,
it helps you see how far or close you are to your goal!

Next are 2 things off my style pin board,
because who doesnt love new clothes and accessories!?

And last. . . 
a voice activated grocery list.
This is pretty much a necessity in every house hold.
I think I forget my list or what I need EVERY TIME I go shopping.

And this is what I leave you with today. :-)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Terrific Pins Tuesday!!

Well once again, it is Tuesday.

I think they come quicker and quicker every week.
But thats ok, I actually have quite a lot to post this week.

However, none of that until AFTER

Since Tom and I finally picked a potential location in florida to move to.  . .
I have beach on the brain. . 

thus the inspiration for todays entry.

Oh and I promise some real entries/pins coming soon!

Happy Images for today :-)

Until next time 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Terrific Pins Tuesday!!

Yes it is in fact Tuesday, and yes it is quite apparent Mary and I have been super slackers. Buts thats ok because it is once again

So here goes.

I have beach on the brain, especially now that my move to Florida is getting closer and more real.
I cannot fricken wait.
Altho I really should not complain about the NY weather this winter,
we have gotten maybe 5-10 inches of snow (and I only think it was that high because of drifts),
and it is all melting with the 40+ degree weather today and yesterday lol.
and this is kind of a big BUT,
the high for the rest of the week is mid 20's,
and this past weekend?
15 and 20!? for reals!?

This is why I am leaving.

The next hobby/sport I plan to take up. . .
Yes surfing. <3

These shoes make me wish Tom was taller.
He is only a few inches taller than I am so when I wear heels I become too tall.

Soon I plan on finding extremely similar items like the outfits I keep posting,
and revamp my wardrobe. lol

I also need this shirt.

This is all for the time being though.
Until next time

Friday, January 6, 2012


So this is a getting to know me ABC list that I borrowed from one of my favorite blogs The Crowley Party! I figured it was a good time to share some information about myself with all of you.

Get to know me ABC's. 

Age: 25
Bed size: King
Chore you hate: Folding the laundry. . ugh. .I feel like if I am washing it all Thomas should have to fold it, but usually he does not.
Dogs: I love dogs, but I think if I went out and got one, it would not stop at just one. I want a husky, a german shepherd, a rottweiler, yeah it keeps going and they are all BIG.
Essential start of your day: I kiss Thomas goodbye every morning no matter how asleep he is. He usually doesn't even stir.
Favorite color: GREEEEN!
Gold or silver: I prefer silver, or white gold. Im not a yellow gold kinda girl.
Height: 5'5"
Instruments I play (or have played): I played the violin and would love to get back into it. I played an electric organ for a little while, still have it, I should relearn it so I can annoy Tom all the time! lol
Job title: I am a Nanny, or constantly misconstrued as a "stay at home mom" but they aren't my kids so I just let people think whatever. 
Kids: Someday, not yet tho.
Live: Currently.... Rochester NY, but by the end of February/March I plan on it being some city in Florida. Its way too cold here
Mom's name: Val
Nickname: I used to have a ton in High School. Now people just call me Studs
Overnight hospital stays: When I broke my arm I was there overnight. Most of my hospital trips only last a few hours. I'm slightly accident prone.
Pet peeve: People who smack their gum, and chew it like a horse. Its awful.
Quote from a movie: I have SO many.... None of them are appropriate tho, so I will go with one from a family friendly movie. Lol. Meet the Robinsons "I have a big head and little arms!!"
Right or left handed: RIGHT!
Siblings: I have 4 siblings. 3 Half brothers (19, 14, 11) and 1 step brother (19) complete CHAOS
Time you wake up: Generally around 6:30ish
Underwear: Completely Over Rated
Vegetables you dislike: Squash. I HATE squash.
What makes you run late: When my showers last too long because I'm cold.
X-rays you've had done: Teeth, left arm, face (many times), back, neck, pelvis, chest. . . like I said, accident prone
Yummy food you make: I don't follow recipe's, ever. So idk, most of what I make I find tasty, but there have definitely been a few recipes that have gone very very wrong. haha.
Zoo animal: I have only ever been to the one here in Rochester, which is Ok but certainly not the best. 

I would love to hear about all of you!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


2011 was quite a year, a lot happened.
    2 of my friends had babies
    Some more friends got married
    My cousin got married
    I got a Motorcycle
    I went on my first Cruise!

Here is a little 2011 Recap in Photos. . .

I did not do much in January
Other than hang out with these crazy kids
Mainly because February was going to cost me so much money


Cruise to 
It was awesome. I wish we could go on next years too :-(

My friend Esra had a gorgeous baby girl
Leyla Hatice Pektas

St. Patricks Day FUN!
I got my first Tattoo
Now to get more!! hehe

It took me a long time to find that tie

But Matt and Dani got married so it was worth it!

This peacock (sorry its sideways)
kept squawking during the entire ceremony.

VIP tickets for Tim McGraw and Luke Brian
Well, what I remember of it :-D

I hosted my friends baby shower
While incredibly hung over.

4th of July Festivities!!

Back at camp for the summer!

Tom even visited me at camp!! :-D
Went to Florida to see my 2 favorite girls!!

Then came home and Celebrated my 25th birthday!

My Present from Tom!!

My friend Justine had a baby boy. . 
Connor Daniel Farina

this was an acceptionally busy month
I did a lot of my favorite things!

Fantasy Football Draft
Dont worry thats water in that miller lite can.
Brennan is all about his fantasy draft, beer, BBQ fritoes and his notebook

I got to babysit for LIAM!!

Went to see Toby Keith
Got to chill with some AWESOME people

Got lit on fire in my favorite dress :-(

HAHAHA Got to see this shirt at the IVA Clam Bake

 all I did this month was Halloween Festivities.
It was a good Time.


Bought a new dress for my cousins wedding


This was christmas, and new years. . . 
I do not have anypics of this stuff yet.

But I will post some fun stuff later this week!
