Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Time!

So I was going to do this like 2 weeks ago, and the night I went to make this entry, is the night my computer decided to stop working. So now I am going to do a quick post and then sometime either this weekend or next week I will put up another one with all the rest of it!

Thomas bought me a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar.

This is by far the coooolest thing everrr! haha

He loves to play into my inner geek.
I have never had an advent calendar,
my family has never been very religious or anything,
so I never really knew what they were until I was older.

Im pretty excited every day opening it.
I cannot wait until the entire thing is opened and I can play with them all.
Yup at 25 I am going to play with my lego star wars.

He ripped the front cover off of it so I could not see what they were.
He is awesome.

Here is day #1

It is so much fun to play with!

HAHA. More updates on the calendar soon!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Terrific Pins Tuesday!!

Well it is Tuesday again so we know what that means!

I finally got my computer back
$244 later. . . .
I am trying to figure out if it was worth that much money still
I do have a brand new screen,
new keyboard,
new mouse pad and button,
and new plastics around the keyboard and screen.

It looks very very nice,
but holy cow was that a lot of money.

But enough of that.

On to todays pins!!

I cannot even remember what I posted last week, haha

Today is almost all crafting ideas.
I clearly have a lot of work to do in not a lot of time haha.

Stocking tutorial.
Thomas and I still don't have stockings yet.

Water color paints from markers
Great idea!
From Amanda at Finding my Marbles

Wine bottle lamps
I thought these looked pretty neat,
and I deff have enough wine bottles haha

How to Laminate with an Iron
This is good to know and saves me from buying a laminator
from ehow
I love this outfit
Super expensive on polyvore
Inexpensively recreated in my closet.
I just need to start buying some cute boots!

And this is all from me for today

Mary here! Last week was crazy for me - office Secret Santa, office holiday party, boss in town, graduation party, etc. I thought this week would be calmer - but oh my gosh, is that CHRISTMAS that is only a week and a half away?! I have the materials for a bunch of different gifts - but they are not in the pretty wrapping stage quite yet.

This weekend will be Santa's workshop at our apartment. 

From eighteen25
My father-in-law always insists he doesn't want anything for Christmas and we all fight him for suggestions until about 3 days before Christmas. NOT THIS YEAR. This year he will be getting coal. And I think he will be perfectly happy with that - as the coal is actually rice krispy treats.

I found this tutorial on my new favorite blog Put Up Your Dukes
I love her style of writing and she's so crafty too! I'm thinking this might be a gift idea for next year. There is far too much on my plate for the next 2 weeks!

The next pictures are ideas for Christmas cards/photography tips. I have fantastic ideas about how our future children will photograph - but I have a feeling they might be more like blurs or go through that "won't look at the camera phase" for oh- 10 years or so. But for now, my children will pose perfectly for pictures like these:

Til next week! ~Mary

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Terrific Pins Tuesday

Well its that day of the week again!!

Heather here,
My computer broke the other day. . .
Right when I was going to make a post about the awesome Lego Star Wars advent calendar that Tom got me.
I was pretty mad.
So I took it to the Apple store where they informed me it could be 1 of 3 problems. .
The catch?
2 of them were under $40,
The last?
$260. . .
Guess which one it is. .
Oh yeah the expensive one.

So today I bring you your pin update from my work computer.
And by work computer I mean. . .
The computer that belongs to the parents of the kids I nanny for.

Better than nothing I guess.

So here goes.

I found this hilarious.
I have done several projects I found on Pinterest,
but this would make it so much more worth it.

Apparently this one is made out of a cereal box.
Go figure.

Thrift store sweaters,
cut the arms off
attach to normal socks,
or I guess make your own socks with them.
Then you have stylish boot socks

I love this idea,
wish I had thought of it A LONG time ago.
Its sand from all of their vacations.
I think its neat to see the differences in the sand from the different areas of the world.

This womans blog has everything you need to know to start couponing.
Best part. . .
I printed a coupon off it for brownie mix yesterday,
my store doubled it,
so I got a free box of brownie mix :-D
I had to make them for a birthday!

And this is what I leave you with today. . . .
Mary's will be added!
