Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its Tuesday!!

That's right- it is time for Terrific Pins Tuesdays!
This is where we are posting our favorite Pins from the last week.


Here are my Top 5 pins of the past week

I came across this one and it spoke directly to me
I love inspiration quotes
And quotes that say things that relate to me

I plan on doing this with the kids thursday or friday
All 3 of them should enjoy it!


This is going to be my next sewing project I think
I absolutely love it


This I am posting because there are so many uses for it

I used this most recently to wash the filters of our ancient dish washer
There is a way to get the filter off, but I was not about to wrestle with it in the little bit of time I had.
Here is what I did; I poured a good 1/3 of the box of baking soda on the filter openings, then I sprinkled it all over the inside of the dishwasher as well. I then poured vinegar all over the filter openings as well and let it do its thing. I filled the soap spots with vinegar as well, and then ran the dishwasher. My dishes are coming out cleaner than they ever have. Next project to use it on, the terribly clogged shower drain.

And here are my top 5 pins this week!

Darren and I already have a "fur baby" - a Siamese cat appropriately named "Princess", but I have always wanted a dachshund.
Next up is this adorable skirt tutorial. The tutorial includes instructions for both mom and baby skirts -which I am dying to try. I have made so many outfits for friends' children and my own (future) children, but the one pair of pajama pants I tried to make for myself a few years ago turned out HORRIBLY. And I have been wary of "grown-up" patterns ever since!

Clearly I live in Florida and I am DREAMING of cooler weather and Christmastime. First - I never know what to do with all the Christmas cards we get every year. I know I want to keep them, but how? I know some include their cards in their scrapbook for the year, but then the book gets way too bulky. But, I could totally make a book out of them and keep them all together. Genius!

Next up is an idea for an entry way. I love garland and white lights together!

And last - I thought these snowman glass blocks were too cute. She also had Halloween pumpkin glass blocks that I really want to try - again, I love using lights in holiday displays.

Those are our pins for this week - what have YOU found on Pinterest this week?

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